i've found a way to change the actual interface of the dream seeker program. Im pretty sure this illegal to do, but i am telling you for your protection, dantom, that it is possible to change the interface, such as adding your own skin, and changing what the buttons look like and such.

im not going to tell anyone how, unless dantom asks me how i did it, i will tell them so they can stop this from happening from further attempts by other people.

So if you wish to know more, you can reply or email me, [email protected]


ps. it was also possible to change the logo, credits and such things. as well as version information.
i've found a way to change the actual interface of the dream seeker program. Im pretty sure this illegal to do, but i am telling you for your protection, dantom, that it is possible to change the interface, such as adding your own skin, and changing what the buttons look like and such.

im not going to tell anyone how, unless dantom asks me how i did it, i will tell them so they can stop this from happening from further attempts by other people.

Heh... actually, Dantom might want you to write a tutorial on it, so they can cross all that stuff off The List! :)
In response to Gughunter
well it involves editing the actual exe, which i believe is illegal.
In response to FIREking
FIREking wrote:
well it involves editing the actual exe, which i believe is illegal.

I seem to recall reading a disclaimer on the installation process.

Sounds interesting! Yeah, we legally forbid distribution of altered BYOND software in the installation process, but that doesn't mean we are opposed to it. It just means if someone wants to distribute BYOND software that is altered in some way, we'd like to be involved in the process, if for no other purpose than to make sure we are not held liable for something we can't control.

Anyway, it would certainly be interesting to see the results of your "skinned" DreamSeeker! For private use, we obviously have no objection at all, so long as you don't complain when something goes wrong.

In response to Dan
ok, this is weird, but a question.

do the specific id numbers have a certain purpose.

such as each dialog window or button, each have an id number, do these id numbers do anything?

if you dont want me doing this, i will discontinue the project. I dont wany any legal troubles at all, and i deffinately dont want to cause problems at dantom, with you or tom.

In response to FIREking
do the specific id numbers have a certain purpose.

Yes. This identify the various interface ellements.

if you dont want me doing this, i will discontinue the project.

Go right ahead! You can do whatever you want on your own machine. We can't stop you and we don't even want to!

In response to Dan
Dan wrote:
Go right ahead! You can do whatever you want on your own machine. We can't stop you and we don't even want to!

In light of a recent discussion I was involved in on another site, I wonder if some industrious "hacker" could modify the BYOND executable and/or dll to allow cheating in games? For example, how do I know that my opponent isn't using a modified copy of BYOND that lets him change any variables, including his health, strength, wealth, (or mine, for that matter) etc? With a system like BYOND, the game developer can only do so much to prevent this, since we are not directly involved with the communications or the internal storage of data in memory. Of course, the would-be cheater must be hosting the game or he's out of luck. But perhaps it would be nice to have a way for clients to tell if the server (or other clients) has been modified in any way and alert the user.

Here is an interesting article on combating this type of cheating:
In response to Air Mapster
I hate it when people post links to member-only pages...

In response to Lord of Water
I'm not a member and it worked for me. Go figure.
In response to Dan
well GREAT!

so far ive figured out the following

ive figured out how to make ONE button do whatever the programm so desires, and the button is located wherever they want it.

ive figured out how to change colors, and add bitmaps anywhere...

some strange reason, every once in a while, it messes up and i have to totally restart the entire project, because thats just how it works. i keep getting kernel386(wrong number?) errors.

but i will release this eventually so its actually editable by the programmer. that is if dantom allows me to do so. and if dantom allows me to go even further, people will be able to release their own versions of dream seeker specifically for the game, with custom menus and everything.

one thing i need to know from you dan, is that can you give me the id numbers for specific things?

im trying to figure out a way where if you press a button, a verb is typed and sent to the game, this way i could add menus with commands for the game. and when you click on a menu command, and it has the right id number, it will do something in dream seeker. at least thats how ive figured it so far.

for instance, if i make a button with the same id number as the about window, the about window will open when the button is pressed.

In response to FIREking
BAH! nevermind, when i put a 800 x 600 pixel bitmap on the window, it covers everything! and you cant see the buttons, or the pager :((

looks like i will have to either use different size bit maps :((((, or get a hold of the source for the GUI!*not possible*

In response to FIREking

some strange reason, every once in a while, it messes up and i have to totally restart the entire project, because thats just how it works. i keep getting kernel386(wrong number?) errors.

The kernel is the core of the OS so there isn't much hope of a recovery short of a restart.
In response to Air Mapster
Unless you use procedures to save the data on the clients computer. They should have no access to any of the data except for the display. So they can make it look like they have huge amounts of some value, but it won't have any effect on the game. To everyone else and the server they'll still have the appropriate values. The only way someone could really cheat is by figuring out how the data sent to the client is interpreted and how to send correct messages to the server. Using this someone talented enough could write a bot to play for them.