Well if you make a new version of byond wich i know you guys will(Hopefully)Could you make it so the normal save thing saves verbs. I mean becuase it saves items it saves vars but nope doesnt save verbs. so i was just wondering if you could some how make it save verbs like the rest of the things.

Because it doesn't save tmp vars which verbs is a part of.
In response to Nadrew
i think it should save every thing, becuase, well, it just should
In response to Richter
Then tell it to.
In response to Richter
Richter wrote:
i think it should save every thing, becuase, well, it just should

Again, it doesn't save temporary vars because temporary vars are intentionally temporary.

If you want to save verbs, make a new list and save and load the verbs to that list manually.