Yes, Dantom are really busy right now, they've been ignoring the hub right now.
There's no charge for a game being included in the soon as the current batch of functionality goes public, I suspect that hub moderating will start happening at a more predictable pace...
In response to Nadrew
Hmm, maybe they should allow 3 - 4 trusted volunteers to test the games and vote on it, to save Dan and Tom time.

Or possibly an interactive vote from the players through a CGI.
In response to SonVegitto
SonVegitto wrote:
Hmm, maybe they should allow 3 - 4 trusted volunteers to test the games and vote on it, to save Dan and Tom time.

Or possibly an interactive vote from the players through a CGI.

I agree :-)

In response to SonVegitto
Just wait a bit.