I'm making some icons and I thought of an idea. How about shortcuts to the different tools? like you press 1 and you get the point tool, 2 gives you the line tool etc..

Just an idea..

i think it would also be a lot cooler, if the locate tool was more like the eyedropper tool in ms paint. When you choose it, you find a color. Then after you click on the color, it switches back to the tool you were using before you used it. That would make time go fast and less
clicking-ware on my mouse!


p.s. No one ever caught my other suggestion, to let us use the preview boxes below the pixel panel as actual colors. For like swaping functions, and locating colors. those preview boxes would just be treated like actual colors in the pixel panel.
In response to FIREking
FIREking wrote:
i think it would also be a lot cooler, if the locate tool was more like the eyedropper tool in ms paint. When you choose it, you find a color. Then after you click on the color, it switches back to the tool you were using before you used it. That would make time go fast and less
clicking-ware on my mouse!

Try Ctrl+Click. It's exactly what you need.
In response to Spuzzum
neato! You know, there should be a list of all these short cuts somewhere!
