I was curious as to a good wireframe graphics prodction software, the name of it, and where i could get it (Price isnt really important, but an evaluation or freeware would be nice). Thanks for your help

I was curious as to a good wireframe graphics prodction software, the name of it, and where i could get it (Price isnt really important, but an evaluation or freeware would be nice). Thanks for your help

I just got Amorphium Pro, and I love it so far; after I get better with it, I'm going to do a review for BYONDscape. As 3D graphics programs go, it's quite inexpensive. (But if you want really inexpensive, check out Blender.)

In response to Gughunter
humm, any other good ones, i have been looking for one for ever!!!!! I suck with search engines.
In response to Scoobert
Scoobert wrote:
humm, any other good ones, i have been looking for one for ever!!!!! I suck with search engines.

Blender is a full-featured free 3D package that does traditional 3D work:

Amorphium and Amorphium Pro, as Guy mentioned, is a non-traditional approach where you shape clay, and is cheap.

Between the two there is really nothing else you need. Though a favorite more expensive one is 3DMax. (They may have a free version these days.)
In response to Deadron
well i downloaded blender and couldent get it to work some im trying aniwhatcamacallit pro right now.
In response to Scoobert
hum that amwatchyamacallit doenst work on my computer for some reason anyother good ones?
In response to Scoobert
Scoobert wrote:
hum that amwatchyamacallit doenst work on my computer for some reason anyother good ones?

We told you two, neither seem to work for you. I'd suggest using Google for more.