I was recently looking for files to put into my games, and i stumbeled across this problem.

My soundcard doesnt seem to support .mid file types, yet it does .MP3 and .wav, and i was wondering, will byond be able to support MP3s soon? I have a sound converter, but i took a MP3 file i found, that would fit into the game perfectly, and converted it into a .wav, and i got another problem. My recently 2.5 megabyte MP3 file was now a copied 30.4 Megabyte .wav file. so i thought this would be worthless to put into my 5 megabyte game.

Anyway, my moral of the above story was mainly asking the folks of the byond team, to consider .MP3 formats in a near version of byond.

-(The Icon Artist Formerly Known As) SonVegitto
mp3 WAS supported by quickly was taken out due to legal issues.
It already supports MP3s. I've seen a few games with boombox's that let you use .mp3 . I donno what others will say, but I've seen it...

In response to SuperStorm
Nope the .mp3 type was just never removed from the as file boxes. .mp3 was only in BYOND for one version.