Hello. I've been wondering if there is any way to send a file, (savefile, icons, ect..) through the world Export() proc, to a PHP script.
Export allows you to make a request, so is there anyway one could have a PHP script recognize the file one may have sent?
I realize that PHP doesn't seem to even recognize a file was sent to begin with, but I'm wondering if there's a way to change this.
Hmmm, using a DDL may actually be what I need...
However, I'm completely ignorant when it comes to C++ and actually making a ddl/so x.x It's a bit of a wall, but I suppose I'll have to learn... Though if anyone knows how I would have to send a file, in a way that PHP can recognize it, some advice would be greatly appreciated... x.x |
You could just use a web form and POST the file a php script to save it server side, or use jQuery and Ajax.
Hmmm, the point isn't really for the player to send files to the web server. It's the server that's sending relevant files, that byond usually generates, such as icons and savefiles.
If the file is not too large, you can get the binary content of a file (http://www.byond.com/developer/Hobnob/file_io) and send it onto the &filecontent=. This uses a DLL also.
In the past I've opted to use mysql with the file_io, and stored the binary of the files in the database. When needed, they can be queried and loaded, or used in PHP, though you'd need to do a bin2file conversion if the user should be able to download them. This would use a DLL for the database, and a DLL to convert the file.