
by Akto
Have fun for Eternity...

"An arrow to the knee? How about an arrow everywhere else?" - The Archer


 -Melee rank:     O - - - - (Very Weak)

-Range rank:  O O O O - (Strong)

-Mobility rank: O O O - - (Average)


-Knockback Wind
The archer swings his bow so fast it slices through the air knocking back all foes in its way.
Cooldown: 2 seconds

-"Step back!" Shot
The archer shoots out an arrow that is so strong that it knocks himself back to gain some range from his enemies and in addition slows down his opponent.
Cooldown: 5 seconds

-The Ultimate Arrow
The archer is able to charge his bow to add strength to this shot. The longer he charges it the longer an enemy that is struck gets stunned. Highest damage value.
Cooldown: 60 seconds


  • The Archer's main advantage is his high amount of ranged attacks. Keep your enemies at a distance.

  • "Step Back" Shot can be used as an additional jump/dash.

  • The Archer's Ultimate Arrow; if used at the right time can end deadly combos from opponents.
ashe ripoff
Yup, with all those ice abilities listed.

Drow Ranger ripoff!

Fine, Katniss ripoff then.
yup. Definitely reminds me of Ashe lol. that ult :3
"An arrow to the knee? How about an arrow everywhere else?" - The Archer
Nice Quote.
Good Luck with this game I hope it goes far