When testing out my game i try to log in as a two different people at once, so i can test it better. Well, when i try to log in as the second person i can't connect to the game. It tells me that the connection failed. I believe that other people can't log in either. My clock is right, and my pager is working. What could be the problem?
Nebathemonk wrote:
When testing out my game i try to log in as a two different people at once, so i can test it better. Well, when i try to log in as the second person i can't connect to the game. It tells me that the connection failed. I believe that other people can't log in either. My clock is right, and my pager is working. What could be the problem?

Silly question... do you click the Host button?

In response to Zilal
Zilal wrote:
Nebathemonk wrote:
When testing out my game i try to log in as a two different people at once, so i can test it better. Well, when i try to log in as the second person i can't connect to the game. It tells me that the connection failed. I believe that other people can't log in either. My clock is right, and my pager is working. What could be the problem?

Silly question... do you click the Host button?


um.. as a matter of fact, i do.
In response to Nebathemonk
Hmm.. I get that lots, but it shouldn't happen on your game without any code to block those people.
In response to JordanUl
ive had this problem before and i have it right now, i find that you cant host if your useing internect connectino sharing (ICS) with a 56k or lower modem. hope that helps.

In response to K'ros Trikare
K'ros Trikare wrote:
i find that you cant host if your useing internect connectino sharing (ICS) with a 56k or lower modem. hope that helps.

Your modem speed has nothing to do with it. ICS is basically a proxy server and prevents hosting BYOND games.
In response to Shadowdarke
well, that may be the problem. I was on a network before, but i just got a new one recently. If so, i think that's a little inconvienent (not complaining!). Becuase my sister is always on the main internet computer it may be a hassle. But i may be able to pencil in some time...