It would be helpful if a post was edited that it became green just as someone made a new post.
Or a little message in the bottom appeared, like:

[Edited by (person) at (date and exact time)]
In response to JordanUl
ya that would be cool too.
In response to JordanUl
No, I like the original idea :)
In response to Sariat
Ya I suggested that cause like sometimes when I think of something new and I edit my old post nobody knows I added something.
In response to JordanUl
Heh. It does just that, except it's at the top. If you edit it within five minutes of the original posting, though, it doesn't.

[Edit:] See?

In response to AbyssDragon
oh. Ok I will remeber next time to wait 5 min,
In response to Winbiko
Winbiko wrote:
oh. Ok I will remeber next time to wait 5 min,

No, it doesn't turn it green again... he's replying to JordanUl, about the [Edited] stuff.
In response to Spuzzum
rawr. This show all the posts at once thing is more trouble than its worth
In response to AbyssDragon
Yes I thought just maybe in the body so it were more noticable. I knew about above there.
In response to Winbiko
Winbiko wrote:
rawr. This show all the posts at once thing is more trouble than its worth

Not really! I use it, and I always understand what someone is replying to. If I'm ever confused, I go down to the bottom thread list and click until I find the post I'm looking for, which tells me who they were replying to.