More options on the search thing. Have it so you can search for people who joined on what date, and putting in

Sar would match: Sariat, Super Sariat, Saromo, etc.

And a place where you can see who you refferred (or on the search, who reffered them)

Hmm...I forgot the others.... Oh wait! On the hub, have a players message board? Just a thought.
Good ideas. They could implement the '*' character as in search engines. Example: 'sar*' would turn up 'Sariat' and 'Saromo' but not "Super Sariat.'
In response to Mertek
Just search for '*sar*' then :oP
I think the eventual plan is to split the site into a player section and a designer section, but I think BYOND needs to go through a few more phases before that happens.
Oh make it so on the forum search, you dont have to tell it what topic if you dont want to. I hate sifting though topics when im trying to find something, just a thought.