It would be cool to have some type of pager chat. It would be like a AIM chat and all. I think it would rock....
Why re-invent the wheel? AIM, ICQ, etc. already exisit as free services with numerous client programs. No need to bloat-code BYOND with something that other people have made already!
In response to digitalmouse
The pager as it stands is NOT to be used for chatting. Merely a quick message to a friend saying "Hey, I'm here, come play this game.". This is to decrease the amount of traffic through the hub server(s), and free up the bandwidth for important things, like downloads and the hub system itself.

In response to Polatrite
Still It does need afk and other such buttons.I've had my friends try to talk to me and I was at the dinner table eating
In response to Soccerguy13
Then shutdown DS! These arefeatures of interactive chat programs, not pagers. That like asking for an AFK button on a real pager or cell-phone! :P
In response to digitalmouse
True, but real pagers do have a standby button (at least mine does) where all messages are sent to an inbox type thing for later viewing.