330 (notes)

Some more fixes. We'll have a few new developments in the next release.
As far as the underlays of turfs created by turfs below the top one in the map editor, is there a way to treat them as image objects, and run through the 'vars' variable. They report their type as '/image', but this doesn't work (no V's are found).

mob/verb/Check_Turf_Underlays(turf/T in view())
for(var/image/V in T.underlays)
src << "[V.icon]"

However, this will work, and reports V's type as '/image', and reports the 'icon' and 'icon_state' properly.

mob/verb/Check_Turf_Underlays(turf/T in view())
for(var/V in T.underlays)
src << "[V:type], [V:icon], [V:icon_state]"

I would like to be able to do something like this, for saving purposes:

mob/verb/Check_Turf_Underlays(turf/T in view())
for(var/image/V in T.underlays)
for(var/TestV in V.vars)
src << "[V]: [vars[V]]"

It's not urgent, as I can test for the things I need directly, but I would like to be able to generalize the process.

I like to wait a day or two after a new BYOND version is released just in case there are any crippling bugs in the system, since this has happened a few times.

Of course, if everyone did this, then we would find the bugs anyway in a day or two. Then again, Dantom probably finds a nice amount of these bugs anyway...
In response to Flick

As far as the underlays of turfs created by turfs below the top one in the map editor, is there a way to treat them as image objects, and run through the 'vars' variable.

This should be possible, but, as you found, it is currently treating these (and all overlays/underlays) inconsistently as to whether they really are or are not image objects. I will try to correct that in the next release.

For the time being, it should be saving these objects as a whole when you either write them individually to a savefile or write the whole underlay list.
