Well, the .dmp map file is very small, convienient, and functional. Why not do the same general thing, but with icons instead? Here is an example.

"a" = (RBG(235,0,0))
"b" = (RBG(255,255,255))
"c" = (HSL(0,240,111)) // Hue, saturation, luminosity

(1, 1, 1) = {"

It's quite a simple addition, because you would NOT have to modify the existing procs, and this would basically be used for static icons. The object is simply to reduce resource file-size. Anyways, what are your ideas on the subject? Are there system interferences? Am I a moron?


P.S. Actually, don't answer the last question
Polatrite wrote:
"a" = (RBG(235,0,0))
"b" = (RBG(255,255,255))
"c" = (HSL(0,240,111)) // Hue, saturation, luminosity

(1, 1, 1) = {"

While this is a nice idea, I think the DMI format is generally more compact in the vast majority of cases. What you've suggested is actually quite similar to the XPM format, which, for you BYOND history buffs, was the first format used by DUNG in the old olden days. I wouldn't be surprised if the DMP format were inspired in some way by XPM.

What would be really nice is the ability to generate new icons on the fly in code by specifying a 32x32x3 list of pixel values (0-255). That would have been quite handy for a project I never quite started.

But I hereby request that this feature request not be implemented until at least 2003. For the time being, Dantom needs to get the final stable version of BYOND out and then concentrate on increasing the player and developer communities by an order of magnitude or two. This should probably mean 6-12 months off from active BYOND development other than bug fixes. Then maybe they can start to rake in the cash to hire some grunt programmers to do the dirty work of implementing all the outrageous features we ungrateful, whiny users have come to expect and demand. <font color="#111111">(Mac OS X gui)</font>
In response to Air Mapster
Then maybe they can start to rake in the cash to hire some grunt programmers to do the dirty work of implementing all the outrageous features we ungrateful, whiny users have come to expect and demand.

Ooh! I'll do it for free! Not the black text you had, but the grunt programming to implement new features, that is. ;-)