What I plan to do is the following:

Make a scheduling agent entry so dreamdaemon will close at midnight (thru windows scheduling agent) and restart right after, in the main purpose of maintenance and DD log clearing.

Now, I would need to know the exact command line (ie: C:\progra~1\BYOND\bin\dreamdaemon.exe [whatever the rest must be]) to start DreamDaemon with my dmb file, BUT on a precise port number.

Thanks in advance.
Mart2J wrote:
What I plan to do is the following:

Make a scheduling agent entry so dreamdaemon will close at midnight (thru windows scheduling agent) and restart right after, in the main purpose of maintenance and DD log clearing.

Now, I would need to know the exact command line (ie: C:\progra~1\BYOND\bin\dreamdaemon.exe [whatever the rest must be]) to start DreamDaemon with my dmb file, BUT on a precise port number.

You would do it like this:

[byond-path] "[file-path]" "[port number]"

don't forget the quotes .. they're needed by windows to distinguish arguments.
In response to Tom
Well, logically, that would make sense, that's what I tried in the first place, but DreamDaemon interprets it like this:

Command: DreadDaemon.exe gamename.dmb 5252

What DreamDaemon understands: gamename.dmb 5252.dmb

Is there any option I should put?
In response to Mart2J
Did you try exactly as Tom suggested?

c:\path-to\DreadDaemon.exe "gamename.dmb" "5252"

The quotes do make a difference...

If that still does not work, you might have just discovered a bug!?!
Mart2J wrote:
What I plan to do is the following:

Make a scheduling agent entry so dreamdaemon will close at midnight (thru windows scheduling agent) and restart right after, in the main purpose of maintenance and DD log clearing.

Now, I would need to know the exact command line (ie: C:\progra~1\BYOND\bin\dreamdaemon.exe [whatever the rest must be]) to start DreamDaemon with my dmb file, BUT on a precise port number.

Thanks in advance.

ok I tested this on win98se and it works.

in [Run] put:
C:\PROGRA~1\BYOND\BIN\dreamdaemon.exe "game.dmb" "port"

make sure [start in] points to where your game is. or DD may give you an error. It should be like this, If your game is in a folder inside the BIN: