Is there a default address if a host logs in with a different key? I see mine is when I multi-play. Is it the same for everybody?
Gughunter has told me that stands for local host. Is this information he gave me true?
Jul 23 2002, 2:43 pm (Edited on Jul 23 2002, 3:31 pm)
Jul 23 2002, 3:31 pm
If the host is hosting through Dreamseeker, their address will be 0. Otherwise, the game address will always be the same as the host's address.
In response to Foomer
Would you read my edit Foomer and tell me if that information is true, because if they connect by local host I am wondering if there is a default address. If not then this is ruined and all I can hope for is to check if it equals the world address. :S
In response to Super16
Ok nevermind Foomer is for local host machine. I had my friend do a test and see what client address he generated, and he got when connecting with local host. Thanks.