Jul 26 2002, 4:09 pm
I can't move or do anything with my keyboard arrow keys or numpad? Is there some setting I accidentally triggered in BYOND? Could somebody help me?
In response to Spuzzum
In response to Maz
unplugged keyboard?
well this happend to me and i told dantom and they told me to go in the byond folder and delete some deafult file
In response to Ter13
Already fixed?
In response to Maz
I was assuming that he was a little more observant than that.
You could've ruined your macros by inputting an invalid key for a macro (such as "Alt+[" ). I reported the bug a while ago, and as I recall it never got fixed.
Until then, you'll need to redefine your movement macros manually -- press the appropriate key on the numpad (with num lock off) and then a dot followed by the direction.
To literally represent those (from the top left corner to the bottom right):
Numpad 7 = ".northwest"
Numpad 8 = ".north"
Numpad 9 = ".northeast"
Numpad 4 = ".west"
Numpad 5 = ".center"
Numpad 6 = ".east"
Numpad 1 = ".southwest"
Numpad 2 = ".south"
Numpad 3 = ".southeast"