Hello there everyone. I have here a big bunch of free to use music, a mountain of it you could say.
These tracks are from various sources whether it be projects that haven't worked out, tracks that weren't used,tracks i've made for fun and so on. They are completely free to use for both non-commercial AND commercial projects.
I only ask that I am credited appropriately and that if you like my tracks that you consider commissioning me for your project.
The tracks are mostly in ogg and mp3 format. If for some reason you really really want a track in a different format
and you can't do it yourself, please send me a pm and i'll be happy to help.
Download links are accessible by pressing the relevant button by each track in each set.
If you like my music, please consider donating to my paypal address at [email protected]
Aug 29 2013, 1:33 pm
Aug 29 2013, 10:21 pm (Edited on Aug 30 2013, 2:26 am)
these are great you sir got some serious talent.
Yo, I saw Spirit age and it has a lot of potential! It'll be going FAR, my nigga.
I now have over 100 free tracks available! My restaff has been updated with 6 new tracks. Check it out here! https://soundcloud.com/scythuz/sets/restaff
Pro Tools 8 M-Powered. I use Kontakt 4, Viennna Symphonic Library and Xpand! 2 for samples and instruments.
Update time: https://soundcloud.com/scythuz/sets/restaff
Lots of new tracks in that set! |
Restaff (https://soundcloud.com/scythuz/sets/restaff) has been updated! The bottom 6 tracks are the newest ones!
Restaff updated! https://soundcloud.com/scythuz/sets/restaff
Mediafire Link! http://www.mediafire.com/download/7blx02lv509gvby/ Scythuz-Holiday_Event_2013.rar New tracks are: Welcome Home, Slums with Chums, Aqua Fort, Realm of Sirs, Hot Sauce Lair. |
Wow.. you make me want to start making some soundtracks now.
What would you suggest I start off with? Lol. I'd prefer not to have to switch between many programs. |
@Xirre - Whilst I don't use them, I've heard that reaper and fl studio are good starting points.
Got a bonus xmas present for you all here! 2 old tracks and 3 completely new ones, enjoy and Merry Xmas! Soundcloud Link: https://soundcloud.com/scythuz/sets/xmas-pack Mediafire Link: http://www.mediafire.com/download/nes0dnmwk6wdmkb/ Scythuz%20Xmas%20Pack.rar These (just like all the other tracks) are available for both non-commercial and commercial use! It would be polite to ask for permission before using a track for commercial use though please. |
You should look into the Hollywood Strings library if you're really looking for masterful orchestral quality. Other than that, your arrangement is excellent. If there's one criticism I have to give, it just doesn't feel like there's enough power in the strong songs such as the battle theme. That just comes down to how you mix it down, though. I certainly wouldn't mind doing a full master of your songs to really brighten them up, if you don't mind. Overall, awesome arrangement, we should do a collaboration some time.
@Solomon Architect - I've got a better sample library already, vienna symphonic library. I'm saving it for big projects though as it takes up a lot of cpu and tends to make my pc crash with too many instruments at once. Working around it often turns a 3 hour project into something that can take a whole day or two. I think I'll need a few upgrades to my setup before I can use VSL efficiently.
Battle themes are definitely my weakness, there's two elements that I need to work on in regards to them. Power and melodic hooks. I've got a few examples where I can do one but I only seem to be able to pull off both with electronic tracks for some reason. It's mainly down to arrangement and orchestration rather than mixing that this happens, I mix and master all my songs but it's only the ones are truly arranged and orchestrated well that end up sounding good. I do agree though, my battle themes do need work. It's pretty much my new years resolution now. Sorry for the wall of text, thanks for your advice and thanks for the constructive criticism! I really appreciate it! |
Shoot me a message sometime. I think we could both benefit from an exchange of ideas and techniques. Happy holidays!
My first release of the year for the RMW Restaff is here! Enjoy!
https://soundcloud.com/scythuz/sets/restaff-2014 |
Restaff February 2014 is out now! The new tracks start from vx battle 05 remix onwards.
https://soundcloud.com/scythuz/sets/restaff-2014 |