(See the best response by Tom.)
Hiya. I upgraded my byond to the new pager and everything, but it's really slow and laggy. It freezes and takes a while to load and all of that. I have a decent computer so I don't know why it's doing that. Anyone else have this problem? and is there something i might can do to fix it? Thanks!
Best response
When you run the task manager, what does it show for byond.exe? Other users have reported a memory leak-- fixing this is a priority-- so it'd be good to see if that's at play here.

Try to get that data, and in the meantime if you want to use BYOND, you can always install 498 on top of it via
I also am having lag issues and random freezing.

This is how high CPU and Memory usage gets when I'm on the Feed tab even when there's nothing new that happened. The CPU drops back to 0-1 % whenever I go back to the Home tab.

I'm running Windows 8 64BIT with 4GB of RAM.
In response to Tom
Thank you for the replies! I will try it out and if nothing works i'll just downgrade!