In the icon editor in DM, under Graphic, there could be the Quick Generate selection.

Clicking this would bring up a dialog, displayed 4 options. /turf, /obj, /mob, and /area. You would select one of these, and there would be a text entry field labelled "Destination File:". After selecting the type, and inputting a file name (or selecting it from a drop-down list of files in the workspace), you would click ok.

armor.DMI contains 5 icons, labelled armor1-armor5

After selecting the type /obj, and the filename, the program would generate this text at the top of

icon = 'armor.dmi'
icon_state = "armor1"
icon = 'armor.dmi'
icon_state = "armor2"
icon = 'armor.dmi'
icon_state = "armor3"
icon = 'armor.dmi'
icon_state = "armor4"
icon = 'armor.dmi'
icon_state = "armor5"

Make sense? I think this would be very useful, especially used in conjunction with import. Would save tons of time too.

I suggested this once, about turfs, but people said make ur own. I reckon its a great idea!
In response to Mrhat99au
I've actually already made this with Turfs. I've been using it myself for quite a that I think about it, it would be a great thing to release, so I guess I'll do that within the day or so.
In response to Darkness
Heh. I also have a snippet that writes a DM file based on instances given to it in a list -- the types are equal to [type]/[name] (eg. if you had a /mob/player named Spuzzum, it'd be converted to /mob/player/Spuzzum), and it sets all of the variables that aren't equal to their initial values.