Why is there all these server crashes and stuff all of a sudden?

And dantom someone said you tried to hack their comp but the firewall caught you and stopped you is this true?
Dantom ARE the "staff of BYOND".

They're having some trouble with a new server... hopefully they'll straighten it out soon. (Someone correct me if this isn't correct, this is just what I heard.)

I'd advise you not to listen to anyone when they say "dantom hacked me!". Their firewall probably just blocked an innocent transmission which was sent in reply to a request by Dream Seeker or Dream Daemon, trying to contact the hub for whatever reason (updating the status of a running game on the hub page, setting or receiving hub scores, etc.).
I should make one thing clear: Dantom (which is a word made from the two first names of the creators) are the staff of BYOND:

Why is there all these server crashes and stuff all of a sudden?

The server is being upgraded. This question has been asked before. Look back in this forum for details.

And dantom someone said you tried to hack their comp but the firewall caught you and stopped you is this true?

Do you think it could possibly be true? I'm almost tempted not to dignify that with a response, but I'll just state that I have never seen Dan or Tom do anything that could possibly come close to illegal. Heck, there's nothing I can think of that would be above their moral character -- they refuse offers of donations, they release a free piece of software even though they're losing money as a result, and provide a central Hub service that anyone can use for free as well.

(Since I have a very good guess who "someone" is, Sproget is claiming a bunch of conspiracy theories because he was banned from the forums for repeated vulgarity and spam. He was banned from BYOND entirely a short while ago.)