List of Features - Not all complete
-Create gear,items, and spell ingredients through Alchemy
-Join a guild with your friends and crush the opposing guild!
-Partake in the Colosseum's survival mode, or fight some friends
-Rank up and become S-Rank or even a wizard Saint
-Learn new spells and techniques while playing the game
-Explore areas,dungeons and raids to find chests containing legendary items!
-Gear up and raid the opposing guild
-Head out and complete quests ranging from easy,medium,difficult, and decade quests
-Join up with a party of friends to tackle difficult bosses
-Become a merchant who stocks up on Jewelz--the games currency
-Collect all the games hidden skills and items with your friends!
-Bask in the nice weather or cower in fear from lightning and ash fall
-Join world events with your friends and rivals!
-Become a lone wizard taking on daunting tasks without your guild
-Train your passive abilities making your character stronger without leveling up-- accompany this with questing and fighting to become the best
-A large array of mage builds allowing for strategic team battles
Affiliated Partners:

Kidpaddle45,Boxcar, Aeon Games Inc, Zane444
Though I have a question. Will Beta Testing be exclusive to certain people ie subscribers/Byond members/friends? Or will it be open to everyone?