Aug 25 2013, 4:32 pm
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#1 helpers should get that months membership.
Aug 25 2013, 4:36 pm
I can see that getting abused..
In response to Neimo
This guy ^
I would like to also expand this. Possibly stars voted by moderators on people who are positive in the community.
I would like to see benefits for people who are helpful and productive which this should reduce some of the negativity I sense in the community. |
Mmmm. I suspect you'll find the majority of the top 5 already have a membership, by virtue of them you know ... being helpful to BYOND and buying one. So in actuality, you'd just be extending them, and probably the same 5 people's every month.
#6 (#4 how did that happen?) here chiming in, I personally don't need any incentive to help out in Developer Help. Most of us try to be helpful for a number of reasons. I just like helping people figure things out and tinkering with experimental code. I get a major kick out of it.
I like to alternate months being in the top 5. This could certainly be abused, though. Make a dumb post and have your friends all upvote it.
Remember that time The Motto was a top helper for a month? Awful. |
As I said I am sure there will be restrictions and better things to be done for the top voted.
I mostly just question whether a reward like that would be a reward the best people would seek. I suspect like Ter13, and myself, your better helpers do it mostly for their own sense of fulfillment within the community, or, failing that, the kudos you get from it.
In response to Stephen001
Stephen001 wrote:
I mostly just question whether a reward like that would be a reward the best people would seek. I suspect like Ter13, and myself, your better helpers do it mostly for their own sense of fulfillment within the community, or, failing that, the kudos you get from it. I can't claim to be one of the "better" helpers you speak of, but I've somehow made it to the top 5 (and even held #1 for a day or two!), and I can say that I only do it for the reasons Ter13 and yourself point out (in fact, one of the reasons I'm not more prolific at it is because I back off of anything that I feel has already been answered, or anything that I don't feel qualified to answer; the points aren't my goal). Mostly, it's because I've always liked being in the "teacher" role, and I've also always felt that I have a certain ability to explain complicated subjects in simple layman's terms. This is a skill that I am compelled to share (especially when it comes to beginner questions around here) I'm not sure that there is really any reward that I'd like to receive from doing this (if I were to ever somehow hold onto the top spot until month's end) and I'd also like to point out that I definitely would not do it for the reward of a BYOND Membership, as I've been granted a Lifetime membership (courtesy of my brief, and ultimately failed, running of the Anime But, I'd say that if someone that did not have a membership were to ever take the top spot (for genuinely good contributions, of course) then they probably should be rewarded with a membership, if only to further motivate them to stick around (because they've obviously got something the community needs) And, perhaps one of our group of generous benefactors could take it upon themselves to monitor that situation, and use one of their planned membership purchases on such a person...? |
Not to turn this into a cuddlefest or a circlejerk of ego-puffing, and not to seem like I'm vicariously inflating my own sense of self-importance:
Mostly, it's because I've always liked being in the "teacher" role You could easily have moved on from this community into a bigger pool, but you like being big fish, small pond, helping the other people grow and develop. That's commendable. granted a Lifetime membership Not a thing many people can say. I can't claim to be one of the "better" helpers you speak of You are. You've been one of the more helpful constants around here since before I went on a three year hiatus. The fact that you have the good sense to not have an inflated ego about it is further proof of your worth. Get off your modesty anti-high horse. ;P But, I'd say that if someone that did not have a membership were to ever take the top spot. One of our monetary contributors would notice if that happened. If I saw it, I'd be tempted to buy them a gift membership, and I have next to no money to spare. Just time. I kind of think the small group of "core" site dwellers kind of takes care of this system already, when it is necessary. I've had people offer three membership extensions to me since I came back due to help offered, and all three of them, I've found people that I really see potential in on the forums to refer the prospective donator to pass on the gift to them, instead of me, as I like my day counter getting to fumes before renewing. If I didn't have that reminder, I probably wouldn't donate what little I already do. |
While this would be a nice little reward, I say nay to it being implemented via code. If the moderators are willing to keep up on it and do that in intervals for the guys who are genuinely at the top, sure.
I occasionally help out, but like the other guys I merely do it for the sake of giving back. When I was the new guy posting there, I always got help one way or another. So, now that I have some knowledge under my belt (what a weird place to keep that..) I'd like to do the same for other guys who are trying to learn. I wouldn't mind a membership for that of course ;) |