Apr 6 2003, 3:45 pm (Edited on Mar 28 2004, 5:53 pm)
Today i realized that a built in feature/bug or something seems to make enter refresh in a html window of byond.I have looked far and wide and havent found a fix. Can this please be fixed/changed. Perhaps a new setting for the windows like "refenter:[no/yes]"
Mar 28 2004, 5:50 pm
Now that BYOND is getting updated a little more, can this be looked into, it is still a problem the is in FlashChat and many other of my projects.
In response to Scoobert
This is likely an implementation problem on your end and a problem with your browser, where Enter is being used as a Submit key. Dantom probably couldn't do anything to help.
In response to Spuzzum
Spuzzum wrote:
This is likely an implementation problem on your end and a problem with your browser, where Enter is being used as a Submit key. Dantom probably couldn't do anything to help. Nope, it's the way they're implementing the IE browser. |
In response to Jon88
Jon88 wrote:
Spuzzum wrote: Or just the fact that they are. :P I'd much much rather BYOND supported some built in feature that worked kind of like the browser, since there are so many nasty little tricks people can use with browser-based systems. |
In response to Spuzzum
This at least needs to be looked at. Sometimes it is ok, but in games like mine, it is a big problem. It is limiting byond potential to merge with flash in a nice fancy way.
In response to Foomer
Foomer wrote:
Jon88 wrote: Ther is a program that you can use to convert programs that use IE into Mozilla. |
In response to Zzo38computer
A linke would be nice.
Now that the awesome technology of Flash and BYOND combined is near perfected, I think everyone (seriously, everyone) is wanting this behaviour to be changed. Pretty please?
In response to Elation
Everyone and me! Seriously, this needs to be fixed, even if it is a new part of the browse command to make this optional.
I'm going to be annoying and bring this up again since every time it's discussed there's been no official word from a staff member or what not. It'd be nice to know it was even being read or considered- even if the answer is "No, we won't change it".
But uh, yeah- the current problems cause a lot of annoyance. Sure a developer could substitute another key for the enter key but is it really necessary? Please for BYOND 4.0 (please please please). |
In response to Danial.Beta
Pressing the enter key with the browser in focus seems to work fine for me, sends forms, enters a newline in textareas, no refreshing, outside of that it should only be sending commands.
In response to Nadrew
There is a basic flash example showing it happening. Something I wipped together real quick, but I am certain that the problem is on the BYOND side not the Flash side. It seems like I mentioned that the problem in the past and Tom had a reason for it being that way. I can't remember his reason but he did realize it was that way and it was a choice during development, but that was a while ago and I could be wrong. |