- Text mode maps must be aligned center, with Terminal as a font.
- Maps, perhaps an option to have the map loop? ex: When you approach the southern edge, instead of seeing black, you see the northern edge of the map. (It loops.) This could cause some conflicts with code... but it shouldn't be too big of a problem...
Any comments are welcome.
I would hope that this is already in the top-secret pre-alpha build of BYOND 4.0, and it has already been requested. =) But yes, it is a simple fix which needs to be implemented.
Interesting idea. I can't see it being implemented any time soon, though. I imagine you could fake this by not letting the player within sight of the black of the edge of the map (if they try, they loop), and using some turf images or dummy objects to make the map seem to loop. This could be problematic when you try to interact with an atom over the dividing line between map loops, though.
Might make good fodder for a BYONDscape library! (I most definitely don't volunteer; sounds like a nightmare job, heh) =)