I set my hub like this


Then in the new hub entry thing I put

I compiled it as Coolroman123.DragonBallVortex
But when I try to download my game it says this

Connecting to byond://Coolroman123.DragonBallVortex##version=1.
Downloading DragonBall Vortex (1747240 bytes).
BYOND BUG: invalid hub info for Coolroman123.DragonBallVortex:
It sounds like you may not have filled out a required field, though I'm not sure.

Or, maybe your .zip you uploaded is corrupt, try re-uploading it.
In response to Kunark
Shame on you Kunark! Helping a possible DB Zeta ripper get his game on BYOND! SHAME! SHAME!
In response to Jp
It's already on it, hes saying hes having trouble downloading it. Plus it's not like its going to impact the community ny more than the other DBZ games :P