Yeah, I forked out the $15 to become a BYOND member. Actually, it was to get subscriber bennifits on Clan DBGT2. (Great game, by the way. Check it out)

It took me about an hour and a half to get my site to look like this. Good, no?

Leave me a message or something if you're viewing my page.

Black on dark grey text? Might want to work on that. Besides that, it doesn't look too bad.
Change the text color in the post to the text color in the comments and it will look nice. Welcome to BYOND!
BYONd members and the My site texts are over-lapping, might want to fix that.
Yeah, I was still working on it when I posted that. I needed to post that so I could have something to look at while doing the CSS.

Thanks for the warm welcomes.

EDIT: All ammendmants made.

Looks sexy except for the hyper link text- it's too hard to see.
OH! I was wondering where the comments link went. I don't even see it. >_<'

That took me a while to realize what you meant, but I've got it.

*Goes to fix it.* Thanks for pointing that out.
Welcome, nice css.
Thanks, man. =]
Wow I really like this CSS. Kind of reminds me of alienware :P
It that a pic of you in your Blog Avatar?
Actually, it's a modified message board skin. Well, really all I did is use two of the bars and the hex codes. I was trying to add in a footer so I could credit Kman (The skinner).

Thanks for the comment. ^_^

Vans, no. It says my name is "Zack Thomas Grantzinger" And it shows a male icon under that. So in short, yes, it's a picture of me. XD (It's not me)
Holy shit, that chick in your blog icon is insanely hot.
I know. XD I was searching for pictures that were 140x180 and that was the best one on Google.
Hey hey figured i'd leave some nonsense on your page
lol, thanks, man.
Yo zack you have got to help me with my page its dull as hell lol.
Ok, I'll try. Add me on MSN or YIM:
nice css
Thanks. =)