In Dream seeker, there is a speech bubble button. When you hover over it, it says "displays the defualt chat command" (or something like it ;-)). I was wondering how I can change that. It normally uses "Say".

client/command_text="Chat "
mob/verb/Chat(msg as text)
oview()<<"[usr] says [msg]"

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I'm not aware of any way to change it, no.
It would be nice if there was a way to have several differnt "Say"s loaded into the button. Then when you right click you can select which one is used (Like the ALT button does now).
In response to DarkView
It wouldn't be necessary if you could modify it for your game.

(Of course, if BYOND were advanced enough that you could just create your own buttons, that'd be even better.)
In response to Foomer
It would still be useful (None of this suggestion is necessary), since in my games I tend to have "Say", "Whisper", "Shout" and sometimes "WorldSay".