
I've been pretty much been bleeding since what, wednesday, which is really annoying. Nosebleeds, that is. I've been getting roughly 1-2 a day, which doesnt seem too good now, does it. This time, I decided to just let it drip for awhile, and that was the result. I dunno why I decided to take a picture of it, I just liked the look of it I suppose.

I tend to lose a lot of blood, that pic doesnt really do justice to how much I lost this time (it looked worse than in the picture there) and this was a short one.

This time is a bit more worrying though usualy it lasts 3 days at the most. Also my boss is probably a little peaved, although doesn't show it, because I havent been in work either friday or today, and went home half way on thursday because I wouldn't stop bleeding. All the blood loss makes me feel weak, my legs in paticular seem to be struggling lately, which is another git of it I suppose.

Ho hum. recurrent_nosebleeds_to_be_taken_seriously.htm

"Two or more nosebleeds during one month can indicated an underlying medical condition such as von Willebrand's disease, hemophilia , high blood pressure, or cancer of the nose. Von Willebrand's disease is a hematological disorder concerning the inability of blood to clot. Nosebleeds can also be caused by nose injuries, cold weather, allergies, blowing the nose vigourously, pregnancy and medications to thin the blood."
Yeah, I would strongly suggest seeking medical help with that.
Holy cow. Take care of yourself, that seems pretty serious.
Holy cheese... That sounds serious. I strongly recommend you to get some medical help. Blood loss is not good. Not. Good.

Good luck. =/'