In response to Zzo38computer
Zzo38computer wrote:
Easty wrote:
Besides, to the point. Why would we need multiple hub servers? The main server may crash from time to time, but all servers do. It would be a waste of money and bandwidth for Dantom, and it would create confusion as people aren't sure which server to choose. It might create a BYOND divide (My server is better that yours! ^_^)!

Thay dont need multiple hub servers. But in case sumbudy make ther own hub server, you can enter the domain name and port number uv that server and it work. Uve corse on the login screen it givs a warning that you ar not useing the defalt hub server. It folows from the rule uv how to make good computer program:

149. If the program conects to spesific sentral server, make an option (in text configerasen file or registry or watever) to type yor own domain name and port number. All refrences to that server will be replaced in the program.

Having hub servers that are run by users will be quite hard. You would have to go through all the trouble of typing in the IP address, and the port, and so on; also, giving out your IP address over the internet can be very dangerous.

On a more off-topic point:
Did Lummox make any, and I state this clearly, any, reference to ideas similar to Nazi ideas? Did he post anything anti-semitic? Did he say "Kill all the gypsies!"?
Have you any reason to accuse him of being a Neo-Nazi or a Nazi sympathizer?
In response to Easty
Easty wrote:
giving out your IP address over the internet can be very dangerous.

My current IP address is It will most likely not change for a while, because my internet connection is semi-permanent. Nyah. =P

Seriously, it's not that dangerous, especially if you're behind a NAT firewall like I am. Did you know that you give out your IP address every time you send any information over the internet? Including when you host a game, join a game, or even view a webpage. It's not exactly private information!
In response to Easty
Easty wrote:
On a more off-topic point:
Did Lummox make any, and I state this clearly, any, reference to ideas similar to Nazi ideas? Did he post anything anti-semitic? Did he say "Kill all the gypsies!"?
Have you any reason to accuse him of being a Neo-Nazi or a Nazi sympathizer?

It was OFD who made that comment, though, not Zzo. Shame where shame is due.

Lummox JR
In response to Crispy
that why you use a dns.
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