Murder Mansion

by SuperSaiyanGokuX
Murder Mansion
Not for the faint of heart...
So, I see that MM has just hit 666
Rather than being loved by "god", being loved by the "beast" appeals more.
In response to Taitz
Taitz wrote:
Rather than being loved by "god", being loved by the "beast" appeals more.

I'd say for a game that centers on one or more people being cold-blooded killers (depending on game mode), that this makes a lot of
Had to ruin it for ya ;(
No! I demand that you [-] yourself! lol

Just kidding, of course. At least I saw the moment, and "captured" it with this post. And it's not like I need to prove that it used to be 666, because as long as the number is higher than that, then it had to have been there at one point, right?
In response to SuperSaiyanGokuX
SuperSaiyanGokuX wrote:

Right ;)