This thread is meant as a place to post the numerous ammount of small time bugs that doesn't seem important enough to have their own page.
I was suggested on doing this by another player of the game while we happened to stumble upon ourselves on tonight's session. Hopefully, this thread will inspire more characters to post their own findings in-game that could help the game grow better as a whole with its community.
We were playing today and we noticed quite a good number of bugs in the game that I can recall were fixed some time ago during previous updates, along with some bugs that can be abused for one's personal gain.
First of all, the voter: The voter is a system that allows players to restart rounds, kick players and reboot the servers when the need is there. The voter seems to have gotten utterly screwed on the last update, for whenever we tried to start up a vote to abort a round or pretty much anything else, only the AI's seemed to get the prompt to vote, to which they did on apparent random (only apparent, because the votes were always successful by a marginal degree).
I should as well note that standing behind tiles such as doors make the players invulnerable to clicking. A player can be invulnerable by making its way below a door frame and waiting there. It's a great glitch to be abused on deathmatch, escape mode or even as a murder witness if untreated. I've only seen it happen once in the neighborhood map, though, but I'm sure it's still there to haunt everyone during those long rainy nights.
When trying to run, I stumbled a few times with the problem that my character wouldn't run and the icon stayed in red. For some reason beyond my comprehension, my character was unable to run, no matter how hard I tried to press the keys and running icon.
This might also be a bug, though it does serve some logical balance, but dead bodies can't be dragged on top of ladders that lead to the rooftop of the train map. It's fairly logical since you shouldn't be able to drag a body with ease up a vertical ladder, but I feel like you should be able to at least push off bodies from the train through the wagon connections to have it easier.
I'm not sure about this being an unintended glitch or not, but the sound the doors make are too annoying, repeating themselves over until you finish crossing the door in question. It sounds as if you opened and closed the door 4 times for going through the two tiles it's made of.
![]() Aug 20 2013, 6:51 pm (Edited on Aug 20 2013, 7:59 pm)
Erick1294 wrote:
First of all, the voter: The voter is a system that allows players to restart rounds, kick players and reboot the servers when the need is there. The voter seems to have gotten utterly screwed on the last update, for whenever we tried to start up a vote to abort a round or pretty much anything else, only the AI's seemed to get the prompt to vote, to which they did on apparent random (only apparent, because the votes were always successful by a marginal degree). This one was also actually recently reported by another player, but I looked things over and everything seemed to be fine, so I wrote it off as a fluke or a misunderstanding of the system, but this encouraged me to take a much closer look (including throwing debug output into the procs in question to see which parts might not be running, etc.), and I discovered that it was indeed broken, and all due to some missing parentheses! lol It'll be fixed in the next release (I'm going to keep pushing out periodic bugfix releases as long as bug reports keep coming in) I should as well note that standing behind tiles such as doors make the players invulnerable to clicking. A player can be invulnerable by making its way below a door frame and waiting there. It's a great glitch to be abused on deathmatch, escape mode or even as a murder witness if untreated. I've only seen it happen once in the neighborhood map, though, but I'm sure it's still there to haunt everyone during those long rainy nights. And here we have one of those things that it takes the players to find out for me! I guess I just don't have a devious enough mind to even think of these possibilities, so this exploit never even occurred to The very simple problem is that the icon for doors displays over top of the player passing through it, and I made the doorway "open" icon_states solid (the doorway itself is filled in with a mostly-transparent shadow, but that makes it a "solid" icon, nonetheless.) Well, since the player is now covered by a full icon, there's no way to click on the player's icon; and thus, no interacting with him/her! Luckily, all it takes to fix this is to switch the door to mouse_opacity=0 when open, so you can click "through" its icon to the player beneath. I imagine that this also applies to all other "above" icons? (tree leaves, lamps, etc.)? I'll look through at all of the items that display above the player layer and make sure they're set to mouse_opacity=0. When trying to run, I stumbled a few times with the problem that my character wouldn't run and the icon stayed in red. For some reason beyond my comprehension, my character was unable to run, no matter how hard I tried to press the keys and running icon. This one I'll have to look into a bit further. This latest version of MM uses a Status list to keep track of all current status effects (sleeping, busy, bloodyhands, running, etc.). When a status becomes applied to a player, a text string for that status is added to the list (for instance, when beginning to run, it adds; Status+="running"). As each status "wears off", it is simply removed from this list. This report sounds like the "running" status is not being removed from the list under this specific circumstance (I know it works in general, though; I've used the "run" ability several times in a row), but I can't imagine what might be breaking it, so I'll have to monkey around. This might also be a bug, though it does serve some logical balance, but dead bodies can't be dragged on top of ladders that lead to the rooftop of the train map. It's fairly logical since you shouldn't be able to drag a body with ease up a vertical ladder, but I feel like you should be able to at least push off bodies from the train through the wagon connections to have it easier. Actually, bodies should not be able to be dragged up any set of steps (train ladders, or otherwise) Not because of the real-world physical difficulty of doing such things, but simply because the programming was never set up to allow it. Stairs only work for /mobs (the players, and AI), but not for /obj (bodies and other stuff). So once you drag a body to the stairs and go up/down yourself, the body /obj will be left behind. So this is not so much a bug, as it is a design "choice". I "chose" (in a round-about way) that bodies could not go up/down stairs. And now that I think of it, I doubt that the "fall off" turfs that surround high places are set to accommodate anything but/mobs, either... So even if you dragged a body up there, you couldn't push it I'm not sure about this being an unintended glitch or not, but the sound the doors make are too annoying, repeating themselves over until you finish crossing the door in question. It sounds as if you opened and closed the door 4 times for going through the two tiles it's made of. This is another sort of thing that I desperately need you guys to point out to me. I tend to do most of my testing with either the sounds turned off in-game or my computer muted, so I never hear anything while I'm testing (I do a lot of my work at night, when everyone else in my house is asleep; plus, after so long of hearing the game, it just gets tiring to So this sort of sound glitch has gone completely unnoticed by me (but now that you mention it, I think I've heard it once or twice, but never gave it much thought) I think I know what might be going on. I'll get on it. |
This was a good idea. Many of the bugs fixed in the latest release came to me through pager messages (and most of those were from a single, very dedicated player!), but having this as a central reporting location might push some more out of the woodwork.
I'm looking into these as we speak. And keep 'em coming, everyone!