I know that byond is text only on linux, but I've seen windows programs ported using SDL, and they can use graphics, and sounds, etc... I was wondering, is it possible for byond to eventually support a graphical interface for its non windows ports, with SDL, or something similar?
I haven't heard of any rumors of it being worked on; however, I'm going to try to sit down and see if the new version of Wine will run the Windows version. So far, that is the only hope I see.


Glad to see that there is at least someone else that is waiting/wanting this to happen. :-)
In response to CableMonkey
I have a friend who'd be quite into BYOND at this point if there was a Linux version with a decent interface. This is definitely something I'd like to see happening.
In response to Crispy
One could hope that they could "try" compiling BYOND with WineLib, so it would work at least partially on Linux. Unfortunately Wine and WineLib have *very* limited support for the RichEdit control, which BYOND seems to make heavy use of.