.info-tabs {tab-name} Activates 1 info tab uv {tab-name}, command-complet will show list uv all tabs.
.configure display-baner {0|1|of|on} Show/hide the baner on the top and the arows that you can click on insted uv use the keybord. If is 0 or of it dusent show and moves the rest up, so that you can see more in browser/text window.
.script-override {script-file} You can choose 1 script file it will override the script in the game evry-time this game is run
no-say = Do not use defalt-chat command if server tels you to, or uther atomaticly type at begining uv command name
map-mode {B|S|T} = Always use map mode Big|Small|Text
no-sound = Turn of sound for this game
no-login = Do not login to key wen play this game
!! = inside here will override game always, such as overrideing colors and stuf
Apr 11 2004, 7:21 pm
Apr 11 2004, 10:47 pm
Why, exactly, do you continue to type like that?
In response to Garthor
Gotta go with garthor on this one - zero, your text is obviously meant to be like that deliberately, you are too inconsistent to make us believe you do not know how to spell 'of'. You make true 'l33t' speakers looks bad in comparison. You would get far more respect if you just please dropped the act and talk in a clear, intelligent manner.
Now that said, your suggestions for new . commands are not half-bad ideas- though I think there are other, more important aspects of BYOND that could be focused on. |