Hi everyone, Byond looks pretty cool but I got a question. Can you update the game world/objects while it is online, like in text based MUDs and MUSHes? Thanks.
There are several factors which concern this. The main are you running it from the rsc that your enviroment is using? If you are you can edit the code as long as it doesn't mess with icons other tehn that yes as far as I beleive you may only not edit icons if your using your enviroments rsc to host. But if you build compile and package a new set of hosting files and host off of those you can always edit/remove/add whatever you want to your game.
Not automatically; usually the best you can do is rebooting the game after recompiling it. However, if you design your game right, you can load in extra data without rebooting, and do whatever you want with that data (like creating and modifying objects).

So in other words: It's possible, but you have to do it all yourself. Which you would have to do for a normal MU* anyway, of course. =)
Natively, no. But it's more than possible to create an OLC system, provided you're a savvy developer.
In response to Spuzzum
Let me know when you release that library Spuzz. =)
In response to Jnco904
An OLC library would need a surrounding engine to tie into. In other words, it wouldn't be a library.