Is there a way I can make it so that only people that are on my Pager can Page me? Friend mode doesnt do it, it only stops people from seeing me online. I want it so that Im never paged but from people on my pager.
Sounds like a fairly reasonable idea.
In response to Spuzzum
Because people still give me ads to do stuff, and I dont want it, its soooo annoying.
In response to Metroid
Who else likes this idea?
In response to Metroid
The idea is good, but I just pager ban like crazy. Also, I have noticed that it kinda depends on the type of games you are in. If you are in an Icon Chatterz, or DBZ game, you will be targeted(or so it seems to me).
In response to Scoobert
I like this idea. Although I probably wouldn't use it myself, because I like to be contactable. =)

What I'm playing doesn't seem to influence what pager spam I get; usually it's either private testing or MLAAS. And I've dared to venture into DBZ and icon trading "games" exactly once, each.

Of course, all the pager spam I get comes from FireEmblem, so my results are heavily skewed. =) I could pager ban him, but it doesn't bother me all that much. Besides, I certainly don't mind me asking me valid questions or joining games I'm hosting.

That reminds me of another long-standing pager feature request: An option to ban people from sending you pages, but still allowing them to join games you host. You can currently do it by manually editing config files, but you shouldn't have to do that. =)
In response to Scoobert
True, but I was never in any kind of DBZgame or anything, people just like spamming me with pages that are like: Join this game! And although I dont like them, I will not pager ban anyone that does this because I want people able to play the games I host, though pager banning just so they cant page is a nice idea.
In response to Metroid
I think there should also be a description tab for people on your pager...