in Newbie Central theres a topic i made and it was replyed to then both the replys *smoke* gone did a mod remove them because they both got deleted at the same time.
Madpeter wrote:
in Newbie Central theres a topic i made and it was replyed to then both the replys *smoke* gone did a mod remove them because they both got deleted at the same time.

The posts that vanished were in response to a flame by Tolooky. They didn't add anything to the thread, and the only useful post left besides the original was a legitimate response to your question. So the useful reply was reattached as a response to your message, where it was probably intended to go, and Tolooky's flame and the flame replies were snipped.

Lummox JR
In response to Lummox JR
Lummox JR wrote:
Madpeter wrote:
in Newbie Central theres a topic i made and it was replyed to then both the replys *smoke* gone did a mod remove them because they both got deleted at the same time.

The posts that vanished were in response to a flame by Tolooky. They didn't add anything to the thread, and the only useful post left besides the original was a legitimate response to your question. So the useful reply was reattached as a response to your message, where it was probably intended to go, and Tolooky's flame and the flame replies were snipped.

Lummox JR

And, Lummox, Tolooky is also accusing you of "hacking" into his key. He's trying to get you banned.
In response to SSJ4_Gohan_Majin
SSJ4_Gohan_Majin wrote:
And, Lummox, Tolooky is also accusing you of "hacking" into his key. He's trying to get you banned.

Dantom and every BYOND admin are well aware that isn't possible. (Or to be more accurate, using his key would require stripping him of the use of it, and is also something that so far only Dantom and Deadron can do.) There'd be no point using his key the way he did, anyway. Even in the absence of all other evidence, Tom knows that 1) I wouldn't pull something this stupid, 2) Tolooky would, and 3) I don't really care enough about Tolooky either way to do something uncharacteristically stupid to get rid of him. (Heck, if it came to that, Tolooky is way way way way low on the list.)

Anyway, this moronic ruse, combined with a flood of spam/flame posts of the sort Tolooky is already well known for, has backfired pretty badly. Good riddance.

Lummox JR
In response to Lummox JR

Hmm. I always thought it was "riddins". Guess ya learn somthin' new every day!
In response to SSJ4_Gohan_Majin
SSJ4_Gohan_Majin wrote:

And, Lummox, Tolooky is also accusing you of "hacking" into his key. He's trying to get you banned.

Pfft. Silly, oldbies like Lummox can't get banned! :P

[EDIT] Wow my key's older 0.o Spooky stuff. I guess that proves my theory incorrect, eh?

In response to Kujila
Pfft. Silly, oldbies like Lummox can't get banned! :P

If I started spamming the forums, I'd get banned, and I'm pretty much the fifth-longest-standing community member. It's not that we can't get banned, it's that we won't get banned, because we wouldn't do something to disrupt the program and community we love. =P
In response to Kujila
Kujila wrote:
SSJ4_Gohan_Majin wrote:

And, Lummox, Tolooky is also accusing you of "hacking" into his key. He's trying to get you banned.

Pfft. Silly, oldbies like Lummox can't get banned! :P

It's not that we can't get banned, it's that we have been around long enough to be respected members of the community in DanTom's eyes and the other mods eyes. It serves no purpose for a mod to even *need* to hack someone's key, much less want to- what would be the point?

In response to Lummox JR
I bet I'm way up high on that one huh?