I havent been able to log back onto the forums I signed out yesterday.

Im using Fire Fox, when I click the Login button after filling out my username and pass it sits there doing nothing.

Any ideas how to fix this?

(posted with IE ;_;)
I'm using FireFox (v0.9.1), and everything is working fine for me.
  • Go into your Options in FireFox (click Tools, then Options).
  • Click "Advance" on the left side of the window that appears.
  • Make sure under "Security" on the right-hand side that "Use SSL 2.0" is checked. Checking the others might not be a bad idea as well. For me, SSL 2.0 and TLS 1.0 are checked, but SSL 3.0 is not.

Try that and lets go from there.


Just upgraded to fine too.