BYOND Version:499
Operating System:Windows 7 Home Premium
Web Browser:Chrome 28.0.1500.95
Applies to:Dream Seeker
Status: Unverified

Thus far we've been unable to verify or reproduce this bug. Or, it has been observed but it cannot be triggered with a reliable test case. You can help us out by editing your report or adding a comment with more information.
Descriptive Problem Summary:
Whenever I connect to a game Dream Seeker turns white and is unresponsive.

Numbered Steps to Reproduce Problem:
1. Clear Cache
2. Uninstall Re-install.

Expected Results:
Dream Seeker not to freeze and turn white and to connect successfully

Actual Results:
Dream Seeker freezing and turning white and becoming unresponsive.

Does the problem occur:
Every time? Or how often?
In other games?
Every game.
In other user accounts?
On other computers?
Haven't tested.

When does the problem NOT occur?
Like a day ago

Did the problem NOT occur in any earlier versions? If so, what was the last version that worked? (Visit to download old versions for testing.)

Don't know.


Don't know any atm.

I seem to know what is causing this problem. It seems sometimes when you connect to a game, the game loads and still the loading game screen is still there with the 'Support BYOND by buying a membership' thing and continue. If you press continue while the game is still running the continue sign will disappear and if you close the BYOND membership window it will close the game window and cause your Dreamseeker to freeze every time you try to connect to a game. A workaround is rebooting your computer.

EDIT: I'm shocked Lummox or Tom didn't reply to this yet, they're usually lightning fast lol...
Still can't believe no one responded to this.
What do you expect someone to respond with? Based on what you've said here, there's no relevant information to reproduce your case. In other words, since you are the only person this is happening to, you are the only person who can come up with the information and steps to describe why your situation is unique. If you really care about getting this resolved, you should really actively try to record it occurring on video, take note of any errors that may show up in windows event viewer, write down exactly what is happening step by step down to key presses and mouse clicks (take screenshots), perhaps even take snapshots of your byond folders and zip them for analyzing.

Until then, no one has anything to respond with.
Program non-responsiveness (as shown by a window turning white, and "freezing up", probably accompanied by the "(Not Responding)" note being added to the top of the window) can be caused by numerous problems. It can be a software issue with the program itself, a conflict with another running program over a resource (shared driver or hardware, etc.), or simply a lack of system resources (IE if your RAM is taxed to its limit; programs will become non-responsive, because they simply have no juice to run on)

And since this seems to be a non-universal problem (if it were an issue with the BYOND software itself, it would be affecting more people), my money is on a lack of system resources on your particular machine (especially if a windows restart fixes the problem). I'd also double-down on your system resources being eaten up by something, probably malware/spyware/whatnot.

It is also possible that your system has some sort of ad-blocking software that is causing Dream Seeker to hang when it tries to load/display the pre-game ads.

Long story short, I'm pretty certain that this is a problem on your computer, not with BYOND.
Why won't you try the steps I layed out on my previous post before making your input.
I don't have enough information to investigate this further. Obviously this isn't happening to me, so I can't say what's causing it. The steps to reproduce the problem don't look like they're intended to do that at all; they just look like things you tried as workarounds. (In addition, "Uninstall Re-install" is not clear at all. Uninstall BYOND, or the game? Either way, that's two separate steps.)

I'll need something more concrete to look into.
Lummox JR changed status to 'Unverified'
In response to Lummox JR
Will pictures do?
Pictures won't be enough, I'm afraid. The problem is I need to be able to reproduce this or at least have some understanding of why it's happening for you. I need steps that will reliably reproduce this (as I mentioned, you appear to have listed things you tried as a workaround, not steps to reproduce). Clearly this is happening, but the Unverified status means I need a test case.

It would help to at least have more info, like which version you're using (which 499 build specifically), and I'd also like to know if you've looked into SSGX's suggestions about ad-blocking software. (Certain adblocking software has caused problems by screwing with the user's HOSTS file, which to me seems like really bad behavior on its part. Looking up your HOSTS file and confirming it's okay--it should either not be present or have very minimal info--would help.) I'd also be curious if disabling your antivirus fixes the issue, as some antivirus software is known to have some nasty behavior.
In response to Lummox JR
Alright, i'm on my phone right now so i'll post everything as soon as I get on my computer.
Just a note, some application hangs do in fact generate a report in the Event Viewer, which could possibly give some extra info if you're able to access those.