i have AOL connection and whenever i try to join a game or download and run my own game is says BYOND Central is not accessible. it is just AOL or byond please help!
(i cant access the hub ether)
Aug 18 2004, 10:38 pm (Edited on Aug 18 2004, 10:55 pm)
This happens to me sometimes as well... usually in a few minutes to an hour, I can correctly contact the HUB again, and all is fine...
How long has it been since it's worked for you? [EDIT] I mean, this happens to me on BYOND... I am not an AOL user... [/EDIT] ~Kujila |
In response to Kujila
It only works if your access thing is set on 18+ as well. I'm not sure why, but it didn't work for me when I was below that as well. That might be the problem
~Chance |
most likely you've either caught BYOND central during a time when it was being worked on by staff (possible), or experienced heavy traffic on the net that caused your connection to time-out (more likely), or maybe you have a very restrictive firewall?