Welcome to Soul Eater: Capture All Souls, this is the Game Rules and Consequences if any rule is broken.
1. Do NOT ask for admin.
-Becoming an Admin is earned not a handout
2. Do NOT spam links into the game, linking another game.
3. Do NOT ask for stat boost, skills, or items.
4. Do NOT Harass other players/admins.
5. Do NOT spawn zone, meaning do not sit where a safe zone is waiting for players to attack and attempt to kill.
6. Do NOT Death Avoid
7. Do NOT Multikey
8. Do NOT Punishment Avoid, Meaning Mute/Jail/Boot/Ban
9. Report all Bugs/Glitches, they are to be reported to an admin not abused.
10. If caught using a 3rd party program, such as a program to AFK/EZ train will result in a swift ban and must write appeal notice on forums for an Owner to have your ban lifted.
-Not guaranteed Un-Ban
11. Enjoy your stay on Soul Eaters: Capture All Souls, If you do not like the game simply log out do NOT attempt to cause any strife
-This Will Result in a Perma-Ban
Absolute Rule: If an admin ask you to do something, do it no questions asked. This rule is established to cover any potential bug report in the future.
If There is a problem with the manner of the admin on how they handled the situation with you, bring the matter to one of the Owners, VIA the forum or when they log in. Simply ask to have an audience with them.
Breaking Rules 1-4 will result in the following order see fit.
1. Warning
2. Mute
3. Prolonged Mute
4. Boot
5. Ban
Breaking Rule 5 & 6 will result in the following order see fit.
1. 5 Mins in jail/mute
2. 10 Mins in jail/mute
3. 20 mins in jail/mute
4. Ban
Breaking Rule 7 will result in the following order see fit.
1.Warning & Boot of Alternate Key
2. Boot of the main key and ban of the alternate Key
3. Ban of both keys
Breaking Rules 8 & 9 will result in the following action.
Automatically host banned, the admin is to write down your key and from there host ban will be the next step. You may appeal your ban to be lifted VIA Forum, stating that you had DC'ed as we all have had this experience at least once.
Breaking the Absolute rule will result in a perma-ban and no further action will be possible to un-ban you.
![]() Aug 14 2013, 10:31 pm (Edited on Aug 14 2013, 11:42 pm)