In response to CodingSkillz2
CodingSkillz2 wrote:
Yes but can you explain why there name is blank and due to this noone can boot-bann them?

Certainly I can. You see, many game authors are prone to implementing crappy security. Trolls like to find holes in crappy security and exploit them.

Fact is, the "Yes but" doesn't explain away what Ter13 said. Any connection, bot or not, would be treated as a regular client. So even if you can't find a good explanation (and crappy security is plenty!) for this problem existing, that doesn't make a bot any more plausible.

Also if you are going to say that they just added a space or put nothing you should know thats not possible in chatterz :p,and I don't really know about "bots" I just know omeone made them with no real reason but to spam chats which is why I thought it could be used on byond.

A bot is just an automated program that connects to a server like a regular client would. It can do nothing a human can't do except act faster.

Lummox JR
In response to Garthor
Garthor wrote:
They are probably using another ASCII character that looks like a space.

My bet is it's a bad curse word filter. It's probably a standard 'replace with' filter and they've forgotten to put in a replacement word.
In response to DarkView
Since i'm too lazy to quote, i love the mispelling of my name and jaces... And zeni's. Besides, IC sucks anyway. And arthosa just steals ideas to try and compete, and it didn't automute me. Thus, it's faulty. With the level of maturity IC ingeneral, and arthosa exploit. why NOT crash it? Instead, it just kinda holds in some of the idiot population. Maybe keeping them in there is good.

EDIT:When the hell have i spammed chatters? I only spammed IC for the reasons above. it's just a technically unsuperior game, and arthosa's lackeys. Whom coincidentally lack commonsense, attempt to spam too. So it's a trade of blows if anything. Although what they do is less severe, since... "Spamiex" is a piece of do-do. And doesen't stop any text spamming.
In response to Lummox JR
Lummox JR wrote:
Kunark wrote:
Uub isn't usually doing that in chatters...

Although I'd hate to bring this down to the level of character assassination, I find that one line of text from Uub incredibly easy to believe. In Chatters he's only ever marginally behaved that I've seen, and I had to pager ban him myself because in a game I was hosting he wouldn't stop sexually harassing other players. Yes, really.

As far as the other guy goes, a simple copy/paste is likely enough. It doesn't take a bot to be that obnoxious; most trolls can do much better on their own.

Lummox JR

You have your points, that you do. lummox, however. No longer am i that hormone driven. But i can see you assuming i'd stay the same... Anyway. i have nothing else to really say... Yet, that is.
In response to Uub
Uub wrote:
With the level of maturity IC ingeneral, and arthosa exploit. why NOT crash it?

There are only three reasons to crash a program.
  • Accident: Anyone can make a mistake, players and programmers alike. An accidental crash should lead to the next type. Repeatedly doing something that you know crashes a program is the third type below.
  • Troubleshooting: Crashing the game to gather data which helps the programmer improve the program. I like it when people do this for me during scheduled test sessions.
  • Attack: Crashing the program to cause trouble, or even just to annoy someone, is simply wrong. I can think of a few good reasons to crash a program, such as crashing nuclear missile targetting software that is about to launch a missile at your home. Exploiting a code flaw in a game does not qualify. Attacking people because you think they are immature is exceedingly immature in itself.
In response to Shadowdarke
Shadowdarke wrote:
Uub wrote:
With the level of maturity IC ingeneral, and arthosa exploit. why NOT crash it?

There are only three reasons to crash a program.
  • Accident: Anyone can make a mistake, players and programmers alike. An accidental crash should lead to the next type. Repeatedly doing something that you know crashes a program is the third type below.
  • Troubleshooting: Crashing the game to gather data which helps the programmer improve the program. I like it when people do this for me during scheduled test sessions.
  • Attack: Crashing the program to cause trouble, or even just to annoy someone, is simply wrong. I can think of a few good reasons to crash a program, such as crashing nuclear missile targetting software that is about to launch a missile at your home. Exploiting a code flaw in a game does not qualify. Attacking people because you think they are immature is exceedingly immature in itself.

Wee, a well thought out arguement. And, you should know that arthosa is... erm, not exactly the most mature guy around, nor is his playerbase. But hey, that's not the point right now. The point is, you have a good arguement. I have to hand you a cookie... what flavor?
In response to Uub
Uub wrote:
You have your points, that you do. lummox, however. No longer am i that hormone driven. But i can see you assuming i'd stay the same... Anyway. i have nothing else to really say... Yet, that is.

It doesn't take hormones to behave badly. You admit you spammed this game, which proves the point. The behavior I observed in the past also easily falls under the label of spamming. By now it's an established pattern, which you can--and should--break.

Spamming doesn't do you any good. It gives you a foul reputation and brands you as a nuisance. Someone who spams once is almost sure to do so again. If you want to lose this bad rep, you have only one option: stop spamming. It's an ugly and obnoxious thing that hurts the game, hurts the community, and hurts you. It doesn't matter if you dislike the game or its author or host, or how you feel about farm subsidies, or whether it's a Tuesday. There is no legitimate excuse for spam.

I say this to help you, since judging by the tone of your post you seem to want to put your past to rest. Yet in another post you defended spamming the game, which only says to the world, "Yes, I'm a spammer, and I'll keep doing it." You can't seriously expect to be treated kindly and welcomed by hosts who know this, on the off chance that they may not be your target du jour. And if someone implements bad security, shame on them, but double shame on the person who abuses it to the detriment of everyone else. You'll be so much better off if you choose to do the right thing.

Lummox JR
In response to CodingSkillz2
CodingSkillz2 wrote:
No arthosa has a system like iu's if you type to much it mutes you.

For a few seconds, meebe.
In response to Uub
Uub, spamming someone for immaturity is like murdering a murderer because he kills people.

If you don't like his game, don't play it. I don't like the game either, but I try to keep YOU monkeys in line. Even though I am on the staff, I banned all the people who were advertising how to make false topics in Icon Ultima that would ban the creators. So, before you say all of his staff is a spamming batch of monkeys, think twice.

I'm not on your level of idiocy.
In response to Ter13
Ter13 wrote:
I'm not on your level of idiocy.

Please refrain from using personal insults on this forum. Thanks.
In response to Uub
Anyone else think he's jealous?
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