What if the default way to move was with pixels and not tiles. That would open up more freedom for the players and less problems for coders. I know there are tutorials on this already, but what if in the next few updates it became how byond worked. Controling speed would be easier.
for example, there could be a new preset var(or something) that controled if the usr went pixel by pixel or every 2 pixels and so on. With it being in byond already it would make byond seem alittle different, in a good way. I'm sure this has been brought up before, so sorry if it has. Another thing I am sure has been brought up is multitile support, and not having to ghetto rig it with so codes. It would eliminate some graphical glitches like one half not moving or dissappearing during certain things like icon and icon_state changes.
Nov 6 2004, 1:22 am
In response to Jin250
Doing it is not my problem, for it is rather easy. I just thought it would be a step up for byond. It wouldn't need anymore coding done by the coder thereselfs, just use the coding already given for the pixel part. And the multitile could be pre coded into byond and added to the graphix creator thing, like it has diagnal directions, why not a second tile graphix set. If you could understand that, it wasn't "worded" well.
In response to Cloudiroth
It'd be complicated. Probably too complicated to seriously think about implementing into BYOND.
It can all theoretically be done through libraries anyway (though nobody has written a good and finished pixel engine yet, to my knowledge). With pixel-based systems you also have to worry about collision detection and response, which opens up a huge can of worms. Tile-based collision, on the other hand, is dead easy. =) |
In response to Crispy
Ahh, got it. What about multitiles.
In response to Crispy
very true.But, it would be a step up.But it the whole of byond changed to it, then there would be a big problem with recreating images to get them just right.
In response to Cloudiroth
that would be a good thing to do.Much easier.
In response to Cloudiroth
Multitiled atoms can be done already. Not ideally, I admit, but they can be done.
Built-in support would be nice, but it's not really on the top of the list right now. |
In response to Jin250
=P i am gonna screw with pixel movement i am gonna need some help so i can learn the basic engine and so forth, Wish me luck =P
Just use the tutorials to do it pixels not tiles.