Murder Mansion

by SuperSaiyanGokuX
Murder Mansion
Not for the faint of heart...
I'm glad to see Murder Mansion coming back! I use to host a server for this game a while back but stopped due to a lack of activity. Seeing as how interested has come back to this game, I'll start hosting a server again. I can leave the server up most of the time (it's my personal PC so if it's having issues then obviously the server will be down).

As you have probably seen, there is also now a permanent server set up for MM, but the more, the merrier!

One thing to watch out for (though this will no longer be a problem once I release a bugfix update soon, though), is that if someone selects a map, but logs out (or is otherwise not around to start the round), then the game will be locked up for everyone. Only the player who selected the map may start a round. So if that person isn't available to do so, then no one can play.

I notice from the status displayed for your server, that it has been sitting there with the Hospital selected, but no one logged in. This means that no one has been able to play on your server since that map was

Again, though, this will no longer be the case once I release the fixed version (it will now perform a check to see if the map selector is logged in, and if they are not, it will allow anyone else to start the round)
Yeah, I noticed that glitch back in the old version. I use to log in every now and then to see if it was locked and reboot the server. Must've miss read one of your posts as I thought that had been dealt with lol. It's good to see that's being address, though! Also, I wasn't sure if that was a permanent server that's currently being hosted. Seeing as it is, if people want an extra server, I'll keep mine up. But, I think, to maximize the number of people on a select server, I may end up taking mine down.