Well, I'm going to start doing some requests for high quality stuff in the game from the beginning to the end. This is to get things done as fast as possible with help from others who are generous enough.
In the very start of loading up the game you are presented with a few login screens. One giving credit to BYOND, another with a logo, and another presenting the title screen. You can skip them by pressing tab. If you could, drawn one of each to your liking. The one representing BYOND is fine, just seems to have a few smudges at the top. The Logo is fine as well, just the color scheme wouldn't match. And it's a bit thin and small. As for the title screen, it's absolutely stupid. It's a placeholder I made myself. If you could draw a New/Load button with 2 states, active and inactive (for when the mouse hovers over it). As well as an animated background for the title screen itself.
After this is done I'll add them in to the game and do a few coding and clean up and request another to progress on the game. I'll also be making a Credits page to those whose help is added in to the game.
Aug 13 2013, 4:49 am
Aug 13 2013, 4:57 am
If you want to contribute your work but don't want to have the public see it you can add me on Skype at "xirreskype". You can also discuss your work there as well to see if it's good or not. And thanks as well to all those who are helping progress this game.
Hmmm what if you posted or supplied access to screenshots of the specifics areas you mentioned in the game? Maybe if people can see what the current look/ what you're already working with is like, then they might know better what might be a good way to improve said sections/ better replacement for them, or maybe it'd just help others know what kind of style they should think about using, so as to fit in with the rest of the game.
Just thought i'd give some advice that i could, unless enough people have already been lending a hand and sending in stuff for you to use in-game. |
I already posted a current status long ago. Stopped working on this because I didn't feel like seeking any further help.