In response to Hooligan
Hooligan wrote:
if you're not using a 24bit bitmap then it won't be huge. a black and white bitmap would be pretty small. there's no reason to not allow bitmaps just because they might be large. if people dont want a large download, they dont have to download it.

If people don't want a given computer-crashing program to crash their computer, then they shouldn't use it. However, from that program's developer's point of view, it would be much better for everybody to fix the program, making it so that it doesn't, in this case, crash computers.

The bigger question here is why not convert the .bmp into a .png anyway? Can you think of a good reason?
In response to Wizkidd0123
My question is why do you all care? I mean come on, so what if a person uses .bmp, so it makes their game larger and it may me useless space used up, but I mean, its their choice.

You may want them to use .PNG like the rest of you do, but forcing them to isn't fair either. I myself use .PNG formats because it is smaller and looks good, but I don't stone someone to death when they use a different format.

I think removing .BMP support from Byond would be a rash and harsh decision.

EDIT: Also I have never heard of an instance when using a .BMP file has made a computer crash.
In response to Shades
Shades wrote:
My question is why do you all care? I mean come on, so what if a person uses .bmp, so it makes their game larger and it may me useless space used up, but I mean, its their choice.

It's our bandwidth, and they came to us for advice on how to make their game better.
In response to Shades
Shades wrote:
My question is why do you all care? I mean come on, so what if a person uses .bmp, so it makes their game larger and it may me useless space used up, but I mean, its their choice.

We all care because putting a .bmp in a game is just a horrible, horrible, decision for a developer to make. It has absolutely no advantage over .pngs, and it's much bigger. .bmps weren't made for the net: Portable Network Graphic files were.

I think removing .BMP support from Byond would be a rash and harsh decision.

They weren't talking about removing .bmp support: they were talking about declaring it deprecated. If a feature of a programming language is "deprecated", then although the language still allows its use, it's strongly discouraged.

EDIT: Also I have never heard of an instance when using a .BMP file has made a computer crash.

When you're dealing with a very large image, it's possible.
In response to Wizkidd0123
Wizkidd0123 wrote:
We all care because putting a .bmp in a game is just a horrible, horrible, decision for a developer to make. It has absolutely no advantage over .pngs, and it's much bigger. .bmps weren't made for the net: Portable Network Graphic files were.

image as a PNG (70,000 something bytes)

same image as a bmp (32,000 something bytes)

HINT: the bmp is a smaller file

since you seem to care about filesize so much, a smaller file would be an advantage.

yeah, its one case where the bitmap is smaller, but that means that there is sometimes an advantage. so, it would be wrong to say that there is "absolutely no advantage" in using BMPs.

if you had 1,000 bitmaps in a game that were 1.00mb each, then i'd advise converting them to PNGs, but it'd still probably be pretty big. but if you have 1 bitmap thats 1.2kb, i dont see much of a problem, you might, but you probably wouldn't be able to tell.
In response to OneFishDown
What you didn't mention is thats not an 8/24/32 bit BMP file. It's a WBMP. They will tend to be smaller than other files as they are ment specifically for black and white images.
In response to Nick231
It's 33,347 bytes if you save it as a 2 color PNG. (I'm using PSP 6.) Still about half a kilobyte over the size of the BMP, but not so dramatic a difference.
In response to God of Law
...or maybe people should just use external image editors instead of having the BYOND developers waste their time recreating something we already have.
In response to Shadowdarke
My tests show that the image in 2 colors is almost exactly the same size in either format, BMP or PNG. Around 33k.
In response to Foomer
Once you take a bitmap image and distribute into 32x32 tiles is there a way to have dreammaker build a map from them automatically?

"Think like a man of action, act like a man of thought"
-Henri Bergson
In response to God of Law
God of Law wrote:
Once you take a bitmap image and distribute into 32x32 tiles is there a way to have dreammaker build a map from them automatically?

Well, for one, it's perfectly fine to just put the .bmp on the map as-is. Of course, you should really be using a .png file instead (You can still put .png files straight on the map). If you don't have a good reason to divide the picture up, then you don't have to!
In response to Wizkidd0123
Thanks for the advice, i didn't know you could do that.. how do I? and also how do i edit .png images?

"Think like a man of action, act like a man of thought"
-Henri Bergson
In response to God of Law
God of Law wrote:
Thanks for the advice, i didn't know you could do that.. how do I? and also how do i edit .png images?

To put a .png or .bmp straight onto the map, you do the same as you would for any other tile:

icon='Big Picture.png'

Then, you just place it onto the map using the map editor as you usually would.

As for .png editing, there are plenty of programs that let you do that, including MS Paint. If you aren't satisfied with using MS Paint, then google "image editor" and you're bound to come up with something!

Although it has a confusing interface, GIMP 2.0 should work admirably (It's free too!). Of course, PSP or Photoshop are both great programs too, but as you've probably ascertained, those two cost money.

"Think like a man of action, act like a man of thought"
-Henri Bergson

You really don't need a signature on the developer forums.
In response to OneFishDown

That isn't a standard .bmp. Let's try saving it as a 24 bit BMP...

790,528 bytes
786,432 bytes

In this particular instance, there is little difference, but the point you made still stands.

There IS indeed a use for bitmaps, but it is hardly arguable. The only, in my opinion, use for .bmps is for quick and dirty modification.

.pngs stand up much better, and as Wizkidd said, PNGs are MEANT for the net. It's a travesty when I go to a webpage and it starts loading .bmps. It's almost enough to make me want to scream.
In response to Wizkidd0123
Thanks, and to think i've been putting together a large map tile by tile...actually i don't like to think about it. By the way, is there a way to select a large number of tiles and change there density, or do i have to do it tile by tile?

I've gotten to used to throwing the signatures in and don't even think about it sometimes"
In response to God of Law
God of Law wrote:
Thanks, and to think i've been putting together a large map tile by tile...actually i don't like to think about it. By the way, is there a way to select a large number of tiles and change there density, or do i have to do it tile by tile?

I've gotten to used to throwing the signatures in and don't even think about it sometimes"

You could always make an area, and set it's density to 1. Then use that to make your density on your map.
In response to XxDohxX
I'd use a turf and set it's layer to 0 or something. You can only have one area per tile, while you can have multiple turfs.
In response to Ryne Rekab
Ryne Rekab wrote:
I'd use a turf and set it's layer to 0 or something. You can only have one area per tile, while you can have multiple turfs.

No you can't. 1 turf per tile. It's just that it appears that there's more. Dream Maker automatically takes any previous turf images and makes them underlays of any new turf placed on the same spot.
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