I am experencing some difficulties on my computer with any website related to byond on my PC, this includes the pager, hub, www.byond.com www.dantom.com etc (basically anything on the byond server). I could still access games I had bookmarked. I have checked firewalls.. nothing there.I then came in on my dad's pc. It worked so I accessed me account. Nothing there about being banned (if I was banned I assumed it would be deleted) So anyone have any ideas as to what I can do?
Jan 8 2005, 8:26 am
Jan 8 2005, 12:41 pm
Maybe the Hub was just down by chance.
In response to Elation
that is what I thought it was so I talked to some other byonders and they said theres were working fine. Then I went to www.byond.com in my browser and the connection was refused. So I tried nadrew's site (think it is hosted on the same server) and it was also refused.