Whoops! My bad. Normally I check to make sure people are replying to who I think they're replying to; must've forgot this time. =)
Typical - the one time I don't check...!
But wouldn't it always be the one you didn't check? and whats Typical mean?
Crispy wrote:
Whoops! My bad. Normally I check to make sure people are replying to who I think they're replying to; must've forgot this time. =) But wouldn't it always be the one you didn't check? and whats Typical mean? |
Wizkidd0123 wrote:
If you made a GetPixelColor() proc, then yes, we would download it. However, at the moment, as far as I can tell, it's completely impossible. Icons become data like this when you save them as text: filedata("name=px.dmi;length=41;crc32=0x75a5bbbc;encoding=base64",{" BERNSQECAMDAwAAAAAEAAQABAAEAAAAAAAAAAAYA////4wEfEAIABAA= "}) All the data about the icon is present, so one could extract the information about any pixel in any frame of any icon_state, if they knew the format. |
The format is explained in [link]. To get that inofrmation, as far as I can tell, I would have to be able to read the bytes.
Wizkidd0123 wrote:
The format is explained in [link]. To get that inofrmation, as far as I can tell, I would have to be able to read the bytes. You can do that with what Shadowdarke mentioned. All you need is a proc to convert at least part of the base64 encoding to numbers in a list. I've used this technique to successfully extract the palette of an icon. Lummox JR |
Green Lime wrote:
Why doesnt ascii2text() handle certain ASCII characters well? Is it a conversion problem? So like ascii2text(0) to text form and then text2file() the text I just converted wouldn't be the ascii value 0? Cause the text converts the 0 to what null or nothing? Basically. If you want to make a file that consists of bytes: <code> 0,0,0,0,1,0,5,0</code> And you convert it to text, you'll get the 1 and the 5 converted, but all the zeros will be ignored. Thats the only problem I'm aware of, anyway. |
Foomer wrote:
Green Lime wrote: I don't think you'll even get the 1 and 5 converted. Strings in C are terminated by the null character(ascii 0). I don't think that BYOND loads anything from a file that's found after an ascii 0 character. |
Lummox JR wrote:
All you need is a proc to convert at least part of the base64 encoding to numbers in a list. I know absolutely nothing about base64 encoding. How would you do that? |
Shadowdarke wrote:
Wizkidd0123 wrote: filedata("name=px.dmi;length=41;crc32=0x75a5bbbc;encoding=base64",{" BERNSQECAMDAwAAAAAEAAQABAAEAAAAAAAAAAAYA////4wEfEAIABAA= "}) All the data about the icon is present, so one could extract the information about any pixel in any frame of any icon_state, if they knew the format. I tried to save the icon object as a text but it just outputed /icon. Uhh I guess Im not sure what you ment about the above. |
base64 encoding is pretty straightfoward. We'll take a simple text string for example: Dog
base64 takes 3 bytes and encodes them as 4 base64 characters, with the leftmost character being the most significant bits. D is ascii 68, o is 111, and g is 103. Lets puts those together to form a 24-bit number, which will then be broken up into 4 6-bit numbers which correspond to specific base64 characters: 01000100 01101111 01100111 The base64 table is as follows: 0-->A ... 25->Z 26->a ... 51->z 52->0 ... 61->9 62->+ 63->/ = is used as a pad, basically 0's are used to pad the number. So now we need to break up the 24-bit number into 4 6-bit numbers and then turn them into base64 characters: 010001 = 17 = R 000110 = 6 = G 111101 = 61 = 9 100111 = 39 = n So Dog encoded in base64 is RG9n. Not too tough. Decoding itself isn't too much of a pain, but with BYOND, you only have a 16-bit shifting range, so you need to break things up(unless I overlooked something). The easiest way would be to read in 4 base64 characters at a time, get the value that correpsonds to the base64 characters, and then use some bit maniputlation to get the 3 bytes that correspond. |
Why doesnt ascii2text() handle certain ASCII characters well? Is it a conversion problem? So like ascii2text(0) to text form and then text2file() the text I just converted wouldn't be the ascii value 0? Cause the text converts the 0 to what null or nothing? What about in the text would that work?