Forgive that horrid title, for I havn't figured the techincal term for these. (If there even is one.)

Some of you know how you may assign variables attatched to a type path. For example:

new /turf/wall{density = 0; name = "Fake Wall"}(loc)

I suggest more support be given to this area of the DM language. I've noticed a few places where it's lacking. Such as...
var/turf/wall/newWall = new{density = 0; name = "Fake Wall"}(loc)
// And
var/turf/wall/another = new newWall.type{density = 0; name = "Fake Wall"}(otherLoc)

Thoes are two examples of where support should be added. Another suggestion would be that type paths can be treated as an already initialized datum. For example...
var/turf/wall/path = /turf/wall
path.density = 0 = "Fake Wall"
var/turf/wall/newWall = new path(loc)

(Of course, I'm not suggesting thier procedures be made avainable... unless 'shared' procedures are eventually implimented. That would be neat also.. /turf/wall.GetFakeWallPath())

There's my suggestion for that. I suspect that these special type paths (the current) are incomplete anyway, as they often bring up 'cross-reference' errors when I'm setting a variable to a constant, such as a string or number. (I don't have any examples prepared, as I've already made work-arrounds in my programs.)
new /turf/wall{density = 0; name = "Fake Wall"}(loc)

You can do that?!?!

Man, where've I been! If you can do that, I think I've wasted a full 10 hours of my life outstreched having to turn it into a variable, changing the variables for new ones, etc, so I can edit it's stuff.

Heh, sorry.
In response to Kunark
It's in the Blue Book and DM Guide, but I didn't remember about it until very recently. (See my BWS on the subject.) So don't worry, you're not alone. It's a pretty obscure syntax. =)
In response to Crispy
I have to read that guide more carefully. I only recently discovered the wonders of the ? operator, and now this!