Byond would be better without people that cancel, like I siad before, Delaying/takeing long doesen't bother me, but canceling all togeth Is evil. Why did he even start DWO. He worked his ass off for over 2 years, and he has nothing to show for It, becoese he canceled the project for all time.
Zoltor wrote:
You missunderstood me, there's nothing wrong with takeing breaks or delaying, It's canceling, I have a problem with. And you misunderstood me. The majority of the time when I make something and choose not to release it I do so because I wont have the option of stopping after I go public. |
Zoltor wrote:
PS. I didn't make this thread to trash on Silk,although he deserves everey bit of It, but sam couldn't see that. I say [foul language is against the Community Standards]. You started this thread lamenting on how "people like Silk" can't get penalized in some way, and now you're spouting off stuff like dishonor? Over a small online game? When I call you on pointing Silk out, instead of retracting the comment or ignoring it altogether to continue your reasons you mention about how he's "one of two major problems" with Byond. So now you come out saying you're a "Silk hater" and that while you insist he deserves trashing, that it had no weight in this thread? Here was Silk's reason for canceling DWO. Yes, he was very close to finishing 1.9. Then his computer got messed up (how specifically I don't recall) but he lost most of his progress since the last time he picked it up again. At the time he also wanted to get the Proelium update out the door since that generates a bit of cash for him. He finished Proelium, and loses a chunk of 1.9. After 3 or so years, he decided that it wasn't fair to keep stringing the community along on a project that might never get finished. He canceled it because the DWO community had all but totally rotted and as far as online things go, he wanted us to move on. Right now he's working on a new Byond project that he's hoping the former DWO community will accept, so don't you dare spout off nonsense like he doesn't care about his fans. You're a moron. |
Argh, he hasn't cancelled it for all time you blimey fool!
I can't link to the post now since it was deleted but Silk basically stated that DWO was cancelled indefinetly and that although there is a very small chance he may be able to finish it eventually that you shouldn't look for it cause it probably won't happen. So yes, there is a chance. And it's not like Silk purposefully cancelled 1.90 like you claim, alot of factors led to it. Silk planned to release 1.90 during the summer of 2003 but something called REAL LIFE began to take up alot of his time and the game release date went and passed. The next summer, Silk said he'd get it done before summer but once again REAL LIFE took up alot of his time. Silk stated that if he had had more free time he'd have been able to release 1.90 during that summer of 2004 but he wasn't able to and now when he looks at the code he isn't sure of what to do. Stop holding a grudge against Silk just because he let Real Life take priority to his online hobbies. |
Omg, then he Is a dam moron, to not keep backups of his code, you would think a "coder" would be a bit smarter.
Guys, let's keep this discussion on topic as it pertains to BYOND Features. No more insults and no more debating the specifics of Silkwizard's past and present actions, please. Thanks!
Look, no matter how busy he was, he could've worked on It one day a month. Yea It would take forever, but It would get done.
Thank you Mike.
This was my poin: Well, the hub entries just sit there, and wast room. PS. Also, I beleive that Byond should not allow people to host source codes on the hub, and they should start doing stuff about people that make "Rips". |
Zoltor wrote:
Perhaps canceled projects or gluttered trash like DBZ rips, should just be removed from the hub. I agree with this. You guys are complaining about bandwith, will, clean the damn hub. Give people a notice, let them no, BYOND seriously needs one. Most of these games arn't happening. Even if you have to take HUB off HUB and it would take awhile, I would be glad to help, or somone else who would like to waist thier time doing this. |
Really? How exactly would this benefit BYOND? Several people have canceled projects and most go on to make more. How would we be better off without them at all? Even if you discount all the other projects they may still be working on or create in the future, that abandoned project could still inspire people with ideas.
I think BYOND would be better off without people that demand things from developers. I can't speak for everyone, but I know it pisses me off immensely when random people think they're entitled to tell me what to do with my stuff. I could see it if you bought a product and it wasn't delivered, but did you buy DWO version 1.9? |
Plus people like you BSing on how silk acts the way he does.
He is one of the best coders on BYOND, to even get THAT far with DWO.